Saturday, October 11, 2008

Week 50 should be move in week :)

There is not much happening on the outside and we can not get inside so not many pictures to show you (so Charlie will be on here today).

The finish date has been moved forward and hopefully we will move in week 50, at least it is before christmas, going to be lovely to do ham and all other christmas food in a big, new clean kitchen : )

We were out there not long ago, looking in, the kitchen is there and the painter should be started and hopefully the tile guy will start next week.

Monday we will have water into the house. we have to choose what kind of lights we want outside and the color of the lights in the relax.

I think that is about the last decisions that have to be made before the keys is handed over.

Then of course starts the discussions about what carpets, curtains, how to do the garden but that sounds like real fun.

The journey until this point has been interesting, hard, educating, enoying, fun, a lot of different emotions and the wierd thing is i think i wouold do it again, there was a time when i would have said no way, but today when i see what come out of all that hard work it is amasing.